Sponsor: Nutramax
Date: July 29th, 2020 at 7:30PM ET
Topic: Nutraceuticals: News You Can Use
Presenter: Dr. Bellville
Register: https://nutramaxlabs.webex.com/nutramaxl abs/onstage/g.php?MTID=ed263980ed569 e641936a874766d2b4dc PASSWORD: SFVMA (in all caps)
Credits: 2 CE credits
Born and raised in Florida, Dr. Bellville graduated with her DVM from University of Florida in 2009. She spent the last 8 years in private practice working with small and exotic animal patients and works an occasional emergency shift to satisfy her need for directly caring for pets. She joined Nutramax in June 2017 and loves getting to talk to fellow vets around the country about cases. Dr. Bellville is a huge football and soccer fan, regularly sings on the weekends, and usually spends her mornings swimming, running, or biking. She is the proud mom of two yorkie poodle brothers and a blue tongue skink.